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The loanable funds market is where savers and borrowers exchange funds at the real interest rate (r%)
  • demand for loanable funds, or borrowing, comes from households, firms, government, and the foreign sector. The demand for loanable funds is, the supply of bonds
  • supply of loanable funds, or savings, comes from households, firms, government, and the foreign sector the supply of loanable funds is also the demand for bonds
Demand for loanable funds = borrowing (supplying bonds) , changes in the demand for loanable funds occur when there is:
  • More borrowing = more demand for loanable funds 
    • ex: government deficit spending = more borrowing = more demand for loanable funds, therefore r% increases
  • Less borrowing = less demand for loanable funds 
    • ex: less investment demand = less borrowing = less demand for loanable funds, r% decreases
supply of loanable funds = saving (demand for bonds), changes in the supply of loanable funds occur when:
  • More saving = more supply of loanable funds 
    • ex: government budget surplus = more saving = more supply of loanable funds, and r% decreases
  • Less saving = less supply of loanable funds
    • ex: decrease in consumers' MPS = less saving = less supply of loanable funds, and r% increases

If you still don't understand, here's some vids 2 help :) :

National savings and investment:
