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- a general rise in the price level
- ex: an increase in gas prices in the same day
-a general decline in the price level
-ex: a decrease in gas prices in the same day

-is when the inflation rate itself declines
-ex: gas prices staying the same throughout the week
Real interest rate
-the cost of borrowing money that is adjusted for inflation
-the formula is:
real interest rate = nominal interest rate - expected inflation rate
Nominal interest rate 
-the unadjusted cost of borrowing money
-the formula is:
nominal interest rate = real interest rate + expected inflation rate
Demand-pull inflation 
-is caused by an increase of the demand output that pulls the price upward
-it's triggered by an increase in the total demand, which causes output and employment to rise, which also causes the price level to rise
Cost-push inflation
-an increase in the cost of factors of production
-it happens because there is an increase in resource prices, which causes output and employment to decrease, while the price levels increase
-ex:  price of oil, labor, and steel
Unanticipated inflation 
-is inflation that wasn't expected
-there are two groups:
  • people who are hurt by inflation are lenders, people on fixed incomes, and savers
  • people who are helped by inflation are borrowers because their debt will be repaid with cheaper money than was loaned out
Cost of living adjustments (COLAs)
-when your wages have risen with inflation
Shoe-leather costs 
-the increased transaction cost of shopping around
Menu costs
-the money it cost to change prices
For more information, please refer to these videos on Khan Academy:

Who is helped/hurt by inflation:
