Macroeconomics vs. Microeconomics

  • Microeconomics- the study of individual parts of the economy (looking at the tree instead of the forest) 

    • Macroeconomics- the study of the economy as a whole (everything from GDP, etc,)

    Positive vs. Normative Economics

    • Positive claims attempt to describe the world as is( example-minimum wage laws causes unemployment....fact-based)
    • Normative claims that attempt to prescribe how the world should be(example-the government should raise the minimum wage....opinion-based)

    Scarcity vs. Shortage

    • Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem that all societies face (how to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources).
    • Shortage-exist when QD (quantity demanded) > QS (quantity supplied)

    Capital Goods vs. Consumer Goods

    • Capital Goods- Items used in the creation of other goods
    • Consumer Goods- Goods that are intended for final use for the consumer
    • Services- Work performed by one person for another

    Factors of Production

    Image result for factors of production
    • Factors of production
      • 1.Land
      • 2.Labor 
      • 3.Capital (human and physical) 
      • 4.Entrepreneurship
    • 3) Human capital- the knowledge and skills a worker gains from education and experience
    • 3) Physical capital- human-made objects used to create other goods and services
    • To be an entrepreneur you have to be a risk-taker and an innovator
